
Age 31, Female


SUNY Purchase College


Joined on 1/17/07

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VespeneGas's News

Posted by VespeneGas - December 28th, 2009

Trees fall down
My job is to let them drown
Every day I wonder why
And I cut down those lumber
Timber I shout
Using my mouth to scream
You laugh at me
But I don't care if you see
Crushing people is it's reward
Would you like to bring a sword
I want to let you slice my lumber
Timber is love
And everyone loves you Steve
My only wish could be to hold you close


Posted by VespeneGas - September 19th, 2009

Good books, rad kicks, turning down nasty-ass bitches in gym class, feelings of contentness,

Hella life.

Hella life

Posted by VespeneGas - September 6th, 2009

Because I'm gay.

Sinister Mentor: Amazing artist, great taste in music, gut-bustingly funny. Cuts through the bullshit with his sneering cynicism that's equally truthful and perplexing. Fleek, StagBeetle, Kavinel, and all of the other Sinister copyists have so much to thank this guy for.

Will Rowe: Kindest guy you'll ever meet, wouldn't dare consider hurting another person. Good to see that he's coming out of his Newgrounds devotee mode.

Sekhem: Can't say we know each other very well, but the brief MSN conversations we've had made an impression on me. One of the most well-read people on Newgrounds, I've copped a lot of film and literature from him, Andre Breton and David Lynch included.

Gendo: Hella friend. Put up with me being an unbearable pissant quite well.

Carl: Great sideburns buddy. Also YOU'RE A FAGGOT

Dischord/Ecke/Sky Overturf: The unsung hero of absurdity.

Jamie Cass: Many great, homo-erotic times with this fellow.

Gunthiaire: You don't know this guy, and you're missing out.

Adam: Jack of all trades. Serious music devotee, l33t h4cker, cuddly panda bear. Bam bam. Pow.

Sean: Master of the dada punchline. Introduced me to many great things, Achewood, Big Black, and the summary of the counterculture of the past 30 years notwithstanding. Plus, how could the bandleader of RollingDeathFucker3000 ever do wrong?

f: f

MAYORMCHEESE: Another serious music dude, great taste. Very easy to talk to, hella friend.

That's about it.

Posted by VespeneGas - September 3rd, 2009

/* */
and that's the rebel yell!! eferrefreheferheFHERE

Posted by VespeneGas - September 1st, 2009

lookin pretty good

stagbeetle day

Posted by VespeneGas - August 30th, 2009

After seeing Black Thought, Questlove and crew on Jimmy Fallon, I instantly fell in love with this band. Call them rap for white people or whatever, but the band is tight as tits and they're generally well-spoken and likable dudes, free from the ego-boasting that most hip-hop is terrorized by. Look up an interview with Questlove on Youtube and tell me he isn't cool in a major way.

Pic related. Its my boys Black Thought and Quest.

The Roots

Posted by VespeneGas - August 28th, 2009

The broken glass and the rusty nails, where the violets grow.
Say goodbye to the railroad,
And the mad dogs of summer,
And everything that I know.

There's a hole in the ladder
A fence we can climb.
Mad as a hatter, you're thin as a dime.
Go out to the meadow
The hills are a-green
Sing me a rainbow,
Steal me a dream.

Snatch Licker v4.2

Posted by VespeneGas - August 9th, 2009


remember fabbots?

Posted by VespeneGas - June 30th, 2009

sinst0r ment0r


Posted by VespeneGas - June 13th, 2009

I don't go on this site anymore.

So I don't know why I'm posting a new blog.


